Thursday, May 10, 2012

I Stand Corrected

Yesterday's first prize winning pup has convinced me she won fair and square and she knew exactly what she was doing and where she was going when she escaped from the nest. If I returned her once since then, I've put her back a dozen times. AND she has taught one of her lighter colored sisters the trick of sneaking down the back stairs (so to speak.) That one is getting out a lot as well, but always with the first pup. Not to be out done by the girls, the males elected one of their own to join them. But, being a boy, he's done it only once, just to prove he can.

They are all up on wobbly legs but still fall over after a step or two. Makes me wonder what Em's put in the milk!

Word of warning
The puppy pix on the website are going to disappear so if you see one you want to save for your baby book, do it right away. Once I replace a pix with a new one, the old is gone.

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