Wednesday, February 16, 2011


A number of people have emailed me that they've written Jennifer about her pups and haven't received a reply. I got hold of her a little bit ago and she is just swamped with trying to get things together for her move at the end of the month, going through all the lay-off business at work and frankly, the depression. (She didn't say that, it's MY diagnosis.) I'm going to meet her after work tomorrow and pick up the 3 boys to bring them here. At least she won't have to worry about that. (That is, I'm going to meet her IF I'm over this blasted virus! It feels like the one I had a couple weeks ago and I don't like it one bit!) Still haven't figured out if I'm going to put her 3 in with mine or try some type of quarantine for a week... which is practically impossible... no, it's just plain impossible. Half my fencing is down so the guys can get in to remove trees, which means everyone has to use the same yard. Perhaps I'll just divide the big puppy pen and put the new guys on one side, mine on the other, until they make friends. Puppies don't usually have a problem with that, but you never know. ANYWAY, we haven't decided what to do about all the email... so, if you haven't heard from Jennifer in a while, you might want to email me at the kennel address (off the website, not the blog address) and forward copies of all the correspondence so I'm not changing anything in mid stream.

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