Thursday, July 28, 2011

Some Sad News

Most of you probably remember my Shar-Pei girl, Lotus Blossom. Last Winter, when I really came to understand I needed to place as many of the dogs that I wasn't "using" as I could, I found her a home with a great guy who lives fairly close. He's a Shar-Pei breeder who also shows and knows his stuff. He's loved her since he first met her when she was a pup. The thing with Shar-Pei is they are never easy to rehome... they are VERY (as in EXTREME TO THE MAX) loyal to their family and just don't fit themselves into new situations with any ease. They are definitely not a breed to place, as adults, with novice owners. With about 10 years Shar-Pei experience, Dwayne was prepared for the situation and even he was appalled at how long it took her to adjust. But, eventually, she did. He was overjoyed when she started acting glad to see him when he came in from work... about 4-5 months after she moved in with him! The whole point of placing her with anyone was she was too nice a dog... a terrific example of the breed, from structure to health to temperament... to just be sitting around MY house, not contributing her good qualities, especially as they are sorely needed in the Shar-Pei world. Dwayne picked out a champion male and when Lotus came into season a couple months ago, bred her. And that's when things went sour. She gained a LOT of weight very quickly... at 6-7 weeks into the pregnancy, she could barely get around. Unfortunately, she was way too pregnant and couldn't carry to term. Dwayne and the vet didn't know that... there was no way to tell... and one night, her uterus ruptured. At the emergency clinic, they found 14 pups in ONE horn and didn't count... at least Dwayne didn't ask for a count... in the other horn. Lotus and all the pups (who were too premature to survive) died. Dwayne is devastated and I'm... well, I keep thinking, if I'd kept her, she'd still be alive. That is the problem with breeding... no matter what it is... dogs, horses, people. Things are really beyond our control and awful stuff happens from time to time.

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