Sunday, May 20, 2012

Ok, So I Lied

Sorry, but I did NOT get around to taking pictures this weekend OR doing weights. Not really sure how it happened, but today got away from me. I actually woke up early and let all the dogs out quickly... maybe because it was earlier than normal, they wanted to go out, do their business, and get back to bed. It wasn't THAT early, but it seemed like a good idea to me, so I joined them. And it was still early when I awoke again... early afternoon. Nobody but me was awake. Yes, it's hot, back in the 80s, but the house isn't bad. I don't know, maybe it was the tension around Peri and those pups all week long and the excitement of yesterday's Preakness, and every living being in this house just needed a break. Outside too since the locust seem quieter than normal. We're sort of awake now, but the day is gone. The pups have been practicing barking and growling for the last hour or so... ALL of them, non stop... except for Esther but even she's been whining a bit. Which I am glad to hear. She's nursed a couple times that I've seen and has been crawling around the nest, totally different from yesterday when she was trying to be a spot of cream on her blue blanket.

I did get the puppy pen set up in the computer room, so if nothing else, I'll get them moved tomorrow. Maybe.

Today could be caused by my normal reaction to having a doctor's appointment. First thing tomorrow morning. I really HATE going to the doctor... especially when I'm not sick. It's hard enough to get me there when I AM ill. I need my blood pressure med renewed and my "old" doctor, who was half my age and who I saw twice after my surgery last year, moved his practice so I'm seeing the guy who replaced him. I asked the office if he could just renew the prescription and their reply was no because he hadn't prescribed it in the first place. The old guy hadn't either as it was something they put me on in the hospital. Seems like once you're on Medicare, the doctors own you.

As far as taking pictures tomorrow goes, it depends on how I feel when I get back home. I learned a long time ago that I find puppy pictures so frustrating, I'd better start when I'm in a good mood. The happier the better! We'll see.

Cisco's Kids
This is Lula who is 30 pounds at 6 months and has stayed really black so far.

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