Wednesday, January 19, 2011

Moving Right Along

Two more guys left today. One girl tomorrow, one girl Friday, a boy and girl on Saturday and again on Sunday (different pups, I hope!) a girl on Monday... and the beat goes on. I think I'll be able to come up for air by the end of next week!

The three pups who went to the vet today weighed in at 10.1 pounds (Di female,) and 12.15 and 12.7 (Cotton pups... and the MALE was the smaller of the two.) Two of the fecals had a spotting of coccidia, which is okay. My vet always figures she has to reassure me that they are healthy and there isn't anything to worry about. She gives me her comforting look and says "Now, you know, Sherry...." Since they are all eating, yelling, playing and have nice stools (!) I'm not worried... a little perplexed, actually.

My biggest problem has been finding crates. I didn't order them on line as I usually do because the weather was playing such havoc with delivery services. My mistake! I've been all over 3 TN counties and 1 VA county and have managed to come up with enough crates to ship the pups that are flying out this and next week... by buying every one even close to the size I want and a number that are way too big but I'll use. Every store has the same excuse... the weather messed up their deliveries. Duh!

Pix of new homes
This is Cotton's baby who flew to California. The first is him unwilling to come out of his crate and the second, him a short time later.

Interestingly, the reports on the first two pups are just about the same... a little shy, very quiet, but responding well to all the attention from their families. One flew, the other was picked up and went for an 8 hour car ride.

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